In all the chaos, I thought it wise to cancel the honeybees I had on order (placed in December). It really didn't make sense to acquire bees when I knew the possibility of moving was in our not-so-distant future. We were sad, but accepted the reality of our circumstances.
We did decide though that we would take a field trip to at least see other people getting their bees. Wow - what a sight! Hundreds of thousands of bees, all packaged in neat wooden containers with screened sides. At least 4-6 pallets stacked full of bee boxes. Escaped bees confused and aimlessly buzzing around, people coming and going, some with pick-up trucks for larger orders, most simply putting the bees in the trunk of their cars, but all of them with a nervous smile plastered on their face. If only I would have remembered my camera!
We enjoyed meeting beekeepers and connecting with the local beekeeping clubs, seeing the bees, and wishing we would have kept our order in place. Then the strangest thing happened... In speaking with the organizer of the entire sales event, knowing that all the bee packages were spoken for, we were offered a package of bees! In my weakness, I eagerly accepted the treasure box presented to me. We rushed to the car with the same nervous smile as everyone else, put the buzzing bounty in the trunk and headed home. About half way home I really began questioning my sanity, but kept going until we stopped in our garage. We opened the trunk and gazed in amazement. Now What???
Read about my beekeeping adventures on my other blog - Bees in my Bonnet
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