Saturday, February 26, 2011

It's coming along nicely!

Things are looking great for Pioneer Handspinning!  I am excited to announce that I will be teaching spinning classes through the local Community Education department!  This is a new offering for them, and the director and I both feel it will be a welcome and successful addition to the program.  We will offer a spring season class, break for summer, and then start up again in the fall and winter. Already two people have expressed interest and we haven't done any marketing yet!  I am smiling at the chance to share the art of handspinning with my community.  Other good news is that I have lined up my first two suppliers - Schacht Spindle Co and Ashland Bay Trading Co.  I look forward to working with these companies and others once again.

Tuesday, February 08, 2011

I'll do it!

Exciting news!  I have decided to re-start my handspinning business!

Several years ago, I closed my shop because I simply could not handle the responsibility of a shop AND raise my two small children the way I wanted at the same time.   They are older now, and a bit more independent, so there is more time for me again.  I missed working with the fiber, and also meeting wonderful people in the process, so I decided it was time to begin once again.  It is beginning to look like  2011 will be the year for many new beginnings for myself and my family.

Stay tuned for my new website at!

Monday, February 07, 2011

Starting anew

HOLY COW!!! I can't believe how long it's been since I've posted looked at my blog!  My how life flies.  And I can't say I really had a lot of fun.  But alas - it's time for a new beginning.  Time to breathe some new life into my fiber pursuits.  I hope you stay tuned for what lies ahead.