Its been hectic around here, but I've been managing to chip away at my UFOs. The vest is finished, other than sewing on the buttons, and I've been needle felting up a storm this week. I plan on taking the latest sculptures to a May Faire this weekend for show and tell at my booth. I finished a woman holding her baby, and a beehive. Now I just need the bees... I started working on a clown face too, and its looking soooo coooool! I can hardly believe I made it! I think I have finally found my creative niche... Pictures will soon arrive - If I can just figure this out! (If anyone can tell me a simple way to get pictures into this I would appreciate it.)
I actually started some Spring Cleaning! Horray! If you can believe this, I really and truely SOLD some of my belly dance costumes! It was hard to part with them, but now that they are gone, I feel really good. I have the urge to replace them with a new spinning wheel. I'm seriously thinking about an Ashford Country Spinner, a Jensen Tina II or a Kromski Minstral. Decisions, decisions... I'm heavily leaning towards the Country Spinner. If only I knew where I could go test drive one... AH HA! I'll post to the Woolpack and see if anyone has one I could try!
OMG I almost forgot! In exchange for knitting the Zephyr Top, SWTC has send me some of thier newest yarns! I can't decide which is my favorite. First is thier Bamboo Feather yarn. Its like a double sided eyelash yarn, nice and soft, and it has such a pretty sheen. It almost looks like some silk eyelash I've seen. Next is thier Karaoke yarn, a 50/50 Soy Silk/Merino blend. You should see the colors they sent! Just Gorgeous! I just started knitting a little purse with it, and I love it! The funny thing is that it's a single ply - I can't stand knitting with single ply - but I think my mind has been changed. I can't wait to see how it felts/fulls. Next project with the Karaoke yarn - Slippers!
Also I just recieved some sample skeins of Catalina Alpaca yarns. Ohhhhhhh are these soft! Like floating on a cloud. I predict another addition to the shop... :)
This brings up a question... What is most important to you when you select a yarn? Is it price, texture, fiber content, grist? Let me know what motivates you to actually purchase a particular yarn, especially when you shop on the net where yarn fondling is not an option.